Sunday, October 17, 2010

Stage 2 - Identification

So this weekend we had to read Stage 2 of The Design Process by Aspelund.  The chapter is focused on Identification.  I know when it comes to designing that there is a process.  The build up to the final product isn't always the most easiest to come to, but it has to be attained.  I guess I'm not quite sure how identification plays a role in designing.

Aspelund mentions that there are many ways to identify a project.  It could be a creative brief or revisions on an old design from the past.  The designer's job is to know the limits of the project, also known as constraints.  What are constraints?  How does it apply to design?  Well, in order to create an effective design, the project you're working on must be stretched to its limit before arriving to its final outcome.  This helps find and understand what we are trying to create.  Before reading, I didn't know there was a process of identification in design.

Constraints can be anything and everything.  The size, price, length of time, surface, material, etc can all be constraints.  As designers, we must adjust and work with these constraints until we find the right fit.  I realize that this is important and I must identify what I'm creating before tackling the entire project I'm working on and Aspelund did a good job breaking down the process.

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