Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stage 1 - Inspiration

"In any creative act, there must be a force that drives the creator and infuses the created object with energy." - Karl Aspelund, The Design Process

I found this statement to be a very good description of the word Inspiration.  The force that drives the designer/artist can be found everywhere.  Before starting a new project, one must begin with an idea and turn that idea into a reality to the best of his/her ability.  We can all get inspired just about anywhere even if what inspires us is not related to the subject matter of the project.  For example, if you are going to design a new web site, you may look at movies, shows, concerts, or magazines for inspiration.  The subject doesn't have to be the same and I think sometimes when I'm designing, I get frustrated and end up copying some of the ideas of a previous design.

Another thing about inspiration is that it doesn't just come to you, one must seek it.  It can be triggered by a visual or by the sound of cars or drums.  A designer must seek it, not wait for it.  Aspelund mentions that playtime is important to have as well during the inspiration stage.  He points out that as adults we tend to forget to use our imagination.  The same imagination we once had as a child is what could help create the next big thing or point us in the right direction.  It is also important that we reinspire ourselves as we generate ideas throughout the creative process.

There were many good points Aspelund mentioned.  Sometimes I don't stop to consider or even think about looking elsewhere for inspiration, or use some time to play, but I will apply this and all the other techniques to my future designs.


  1. I have the same problem when it comes to getting ideas for projects. I second guess myself and feel like I've seen my ideas before so I end up restarting. I think opening myself to new experiences and using my imagination more would definitely allow my own creativity to grow.

  2. For me, the last part of this post is the most powerful, "...use some time to play..."

    I cannot move forward in my work until I have gotten the play out of the way. I end up scrapping all kinds of stuff before I feel good and ready to actually "start". Thats the best way for my to create original ideas, or at least I feel like it is. If it turns out it has been done before, so what, I was uniquely inspired to create something, regardless the outcome being similar to something created by another uniquely inspired individual other than yourself. The was I see it, it's 2010, almost hard is it to NOT create something similar already in existence??

    whats good kid!
