Monday, October 18, 2010

Creative Brief + 3 Images

I think Mondays are always interesting.  You never know what to expect from Jimmy.  He's always spontaneous and goes off topic and we end up talking about other things.  I think it keeps everyone on their toes and makes us appreciate his character.

On the other hand, we talked about creative briefs.  Jimmy brought in a book that we should look into and is beneficial to designers.  The book is titled, "Becoming A Graphic Designer" by Heller and Fernandes.  It has some really great work and is up to date with current designs today.  The book just recently was released and I think would be helpful in seeing what other designers are creating.  It would also be a good inspirational book.

We were all seated in a circle and revealed our images with 10 adjectives or phrases that change the meaning.  Each of us went through and read our list.  For the most part, I was a little unsure how we were supposed to do this assignment.  I didn't know how different each word had to change the meaning and most of the people in class seemed to be on the same page.  So as part of the learning process, Jimmy re-assigned the project to us for next class.  He wants us to come up with really good words or phrases and choose a different image now that we know what to expect.  I think this gives me a chance to fulfill the project the way it was intended, especially now that I know what Jimmy's looking for.  Time to look for an image...but, where do I start?


  1. I think it is crazy how even though I know what I'm supposed to do this time for the assignment it is still hard for me to come up with the phrases. I think what makes it hard for me is the part where we must look at our picture and think of phrases that are not related to the picture.

  2. ... because we want to say something to what we're actually seeing. It becomes difficult to quickly "train" our minds to think the opposite when we clearly want to describe what we're visually seeing. It's a battle with our minds!
