Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Game Day

So today's class was spent playing games.  I think we were all looking forward to this day because it involved less brain function, and more fun.  But some games did involve a little bit of thinking (Cranium, Life, Monopoly, Scrabble, Clue).  Actually, I lied.  I think all games make a person think and explore different strategies to win.  Who would have thought that games have themes, strategies, risks, rewards, conflicts, characters, etc.  Well, like every thing else we do in life, there is a reason why we played games today.

Playing games was part of our research.  For our next assignment, we have to develop ten ideas for possible games.  These games do not have to be elaborate in detail, just functionality.  We are just coming up with sketches and a clear way to explain to someone if that person wanted to play.  I think this is interesting.  I like how Jimmy is challenging us and making us think outside the box.  I, for one, can't imagine where to begin or how people come up with ideas for games, but playing them in class has made me think about it more.  I'm curious to see what everyone else comes up with.  Now, what kind of game do I want to create...?

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