Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Film + Discussion

Today we watched a film on Ken Robinson giving a speech at UCLA.  He is a motivational speaker on education.  The entire speech was focused on the topic of education with a little bit of humor in between.  We spent the good first half of the class watching the film, then we all got together for a group discussion on what we just saw.

Jimmy stepped out of the classroom and let the students initiate the discussion.  Only a few people seemed to be brave enough to speak and overall I think it went well.  Some people had different views than others, while others shared some personal experiences about their life growing up.

The last part of the class we shared our Mind Maps and voted one out of the class to have the most original topic.  There were many good ones, but I found Cee's mind map of the 'Killer Carrot' my fav.  Now it's time for the weekend and I have plenty of reading/drawing to do...


  1. "Some people had different views than others, while others shared some personal experiences about their life growing up."

    It's equally important to embrace personal growth / life experience while obtaining an education; that degree. Like Jimmy said, we can go through years of college life, yet get nothing out of it. It's really our decision whether we want more than just a degree!

  2. At first I could barely understand Sir Ken Robinson's accent but I watched it again on Youtube and heard everything clearly.

    Cee's killer carrot was pretty creative! I liked her drawings :)

    Adding to Andrea's comment, I think a person in general should always try to get something out of what he/she does whether it's a college degree or something as easy as reading. If people are doing things just for the heck of it, then our society would have been more inefficient.
