Monday, October 11, 2010

Columbus Day - Class Canceled

Well, class was canceled on Columbus day due to Jimmy being ill.  Is it coincidental?  Maybe, maybe not.  Either way, I think this is a good opportunity for me to catch up on my reading and focus a little bit on some of my other classes.

I received an email from Jimmy Sunday night about our homework for Wednesday.  I have to find 3 images taken from magazines, newspapers, books, xeroxes, or flickr and tell a story.  Sounds easy right?  I've started browsing flickr and found some interesting images, but I'm still not convinced about the story.  Maybe I'll look at some magazines.  I'm going for something dramatic or tragic.

Let's see what I come up with...

1 comment:

  1. haha, I thought perhaps it was a "coincidence" too!
