Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Body Language + New 3 Images

Before getting into our 3 images, Jimmy briefly talked about body language.  He mentioned how body language can signal emotion or nervousness.  When people cross their arms and legs, that usually means they're not interested or closed off.  For the first hour or so, this conversation continued and we eventually had to stand up in front of each other and speak.

Based upon our body language, we were able to tell if a person would lie.  Jimmy told us to say two things that are nobody else knows about us and one thing that's a lie.  We soon found out who's a good liar and who isn't.  The way a person moves back and forth, or where they position their hands (in pocket) provided clues to a person's nervousness.  Most of us were nervous and the lie was obvious, while others kept their cool and pulled it off.  It was interesting to find out some things about my classmates.

Our assignment for the weekend is to do the opposite of our last project.  Now, we need to find 10 images that can be used for one headline or word.  This might be difficult at first, but I'm sure I'll be able to match up some images.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I liked the exercise we did in class on Monday! I thought it was a lot of fun and I hope we do it again. I am really excited about game day though. And I am unable to find you on facebook still :(
