Monday, November 8, 2010

Visual Language + Creative Briefs

Today's class involved a discussion regarding the GAUGE speaker from Thursday.  Jimmy opened the discussion by asking what our responses were to Ismael's presentation.  I thought his overall experience and advice was very insightful.  Although, I went to the event with very little expectations, others found his presentation to be too short and less formal.  There was some criticism about his lack of professionalism in the way he was dressed.  I thought he projected himself as a casual kind of guy and it did not shock me to see him in that way since his profession is in the design field.  Most designers are not suit and tie kind of people.  There were some other points that were brought up that I didn't relate to during the discussion, but everyone agreed that the event was worth attending.

We spent a good hour talking about Ismael Obregon.  Towards the last hour, we finally presented our 10 images and one word assignment.  Unfortunately, I left my images at home since we hadn't set a date that we would need to bring them.  Up until today, I had the images with me.  Just my luck!  Good thing I can still bring them in on Wednesday.  I got the impression that Jimmy wasn't too happy with the results from this assignment.  I'm not surprised because I found it challenging to change the meaning every time with images.  On a positive note, Jimmy excused us without assigning any "HW."


  1. In my perspective, it was worth going because I had a chance to see different successful designers and hear their stories. Obviously, they are all different. I guess it is because I went in with some kind of expectation since the previous speaker event I went to, was great. I did learned a few things from Obregon though.

    I also did not carry the ten images with me. He never went over it so I left it at home. My mistake. When you said Jimmy was not too happy with the ten images, mind you that this assignment was before he went over his expectations on it. I can see why though.

  2. You're not alone... I hadn't bothered with bringing the images after it was due, figuring Jimmy was going to forget about the assignment altogether. I actually picked up my folder by accident this morning. But, I was still on the assumption those images remained way behind us in the far distance, never to be brought up again... At least we'll be going over them on Wednesday :)

  3. I can relate to you when you talk about having a hard time with the phrase and images assignment, because even I had a hard time. I feel that every time that I would find an image that I thought would go with the phrase it didn't. That was the hardest thing for me in this assignment.
