Monday, November 22, 2010

Class Exercise

It's coming down to the last few weeks of this quarter.  I can't believe how fast it's gone by.  I have a few ideas for my 5 minute film, but haven't had time to get started yet.  I plan on tackling a big portion of it over Thanksgiving break.

Today's class was spent discussing graphic design at Cal State L.A.  Jimmy questioned our knowledge of what graphic design is.  It is almost everywhere we look.  It's in packaging, posters, internet, and business cards.  It's amazing when you think about it.  We also spent the last 30 minutes trying to come up with ways to improve graphic design awareness to incoming transfer students and current CSULA students.  Our assignment is to come up with 3 really good solutions to this.  I feel like time is running out.  It's CRUNCH time!


  1. I'm still waiting on my inspiration to kick in, hopefully in the next class Jimmy will start discussing the final with us. What school did you go to before? it seems as the though the quarter system is new to you.

  2. You're right. It is new to me. This is my first quarter at CSULA. I transferred from PCC.
