Sunday, November 7, 2010

Stage 5 - Definition & Modeling

This chapter focuses on the modeling of the design.  This is the stage where your design begins to take form.  Aspelund mentions a hierarchy of a design's needs and must be met before going forward.  He values functionality as the first step.  Does it do what it's supposed do?  Well, hopefully it does.  There's a total of five steps, each with its unique purpose.  When fulfilling these steps, a lot of decision-making is involved which Aspelund quickly points out. 

Another thing to think about is the dimensionality of the design.  Is it 2-D?  3-D?  What tools/programs can you use to help your design become a reality?  These are all decisions that a designer must make while modeling.  Also, what kind of materials will work better with the design?  Should the type of fabric be considered?  The good thing about modeling is that it's like another form of sketching.  You can mold and experiment a little but attention to detail is key.  In this chapter, Aspelund describes this stage as challenging and sometimes designers must reinspire themselves.  I think it's important to keep the inspiration alive.  Take a break, and look at new ideas.  They might just trigger the response that you were looking for.

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