Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Documentary + Final Project

 There's always something different every class.  Today we watched a documentary called, "What Are Dreams."  It seemed like there wasn't a specific agenda except to watch a film.  The film wasn't decided yet so we got the chance to choose one.  Since no one could decide, Jimmy chose three documentaries that the class voted on.  "What Are Dreams" was the one that got chosen.  Watching the film, I knew somehow we would connect the documentary to the class.  There is always a reason for the things we do, especially in Jimmy's class.  The documentary basically shared people's dreams and provided statistics on different types of sleep and dreams.  R.E.M. (Rapid Eye Movement) is the deepest form of sleep.  There are also four stages a person goes through before getting to R.E.M.

Jimmy assigned us our final project for the class.  It is a 5 minute self-analysis video that must be posted on our blog.  Pretty much we have the freedom to create in a visual way what inspires us.  Over the weekend, we must dream every night about our project.  Jimmy mentioned that doing so will allow us to be more creative since our minds are constantly working even while we sleep.  As long as we think about it before, it will get carried into our dreams.  I hope this works.  I have a few ideas I think I want to explore already.


  1. Isn't interesting how he manages to intertwine anything into something related to the class? I wonder if he would have explained the final any differently if we would have gone with the documentary on Mayan stuff.

  2. Man no luck with dreaming about what my final is going to be.
