Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Who & What

I think today's class was by far the most mind challenging.  Specifically due to the activity.  The concept was simple; communicate information back and forth to your team mates.  It sounds a lot easier than it really was.  We first arranged our chairs in a circle.  Jimmy had a white board eraser and tube of acrylic paint in both hands.  None of us knew what to make of it.  Jimmy explained that the eraser is a "who" and the paint is a "what."  He introduced the "who" to his left and the "what" to his right.  Each person had to relay "this is a who" and respond with "a who?"  The goal was to go around the circle without messing up.  It was fun and challenging at the same time.  None of us wanted to give up, so we continued to try to get it right for over an hour.

The last hour involved an imaginary sketch of a place Jimmy read to us.  He read us a story and we had to come up with the visual of how that place would look.  It was a fun exercise that allowed us to be creative.  I enjoyed being able to sketch what ever came to mind.  Everyone had very different interpretations.  We ended class with this sketch.

1 comment:

  1. I actually wanted to give up because I knew that I could not focus especially being the middle person in the circle. I don't mind being the starter though.
