Thursday, November 4, 2010

Response - Ismael Obregon

As a requirement for this class, we had to attend this quarter's GAUGE event.  The guest speaker was Ismael Obregon (Founder and Creative Director of Oishii Creative).  I'm really glad that I was able to experience one of his presentations.  At first, he seemed a little shy but eventually opened up after he showed us some of his work.  He has some really impressive work.  He's worked with the NFL, Disney, Fox, HBO, EA Sports, and many more.

He opened up his presentation by talking about language.  He himself is trilingual, and asked the audience if anyone knew more than one language.  This all tied into his presentation at the end.  He mentioned that we all know more than one language as designers; that is our native language and visual language.  We use words to communicate and those words in turn become translated into visual language for others.  He also mentioned that it is our responsibility to maintain and change language because it is our inspiration.  His presentation lasted about 15-20 minutes.  He transitioned to an open forum for discussion which allowed people in the audience to ask any questions about his career experiences.

Overall, I felt like I walked away with some great insight and advice about the real-life design field.  Who better to share their own experience than Ismael Obregon.  He started out as a young artist/designer, who created his own design studio.  It's important to have people share their experiences that are in the field your interested in because it can only further inspire you.  There will be negatives along the way, but the positives will surpass them in the end.  I know I've been inspired.

F.Y.I.  I forgot to mention...Oishii translates to 'delicious' in Japanese and Ismael loves sushi, hence the design of the logo.


  1. It sound like the information that you got from Ismael Obregon was good. That sucks that I didn't get to go because I had Midterm to take. but it sound like Ismael gave you a good in site in the Graphic Design field of today.

  2. I had no idea until someone asked about the Oishii Creative logo that it was a piece of a sushi roll. Made total sense after knowing that.
