Monday, September 27, 2010

Art 220 - First Meeting

Hello blogger!  This is my first post here.  It's gonna take some time getting used to, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it once I get into the rhythm of things.

Well, today was the first day of class and it seems like I'll be learning a lot.  We discussed what we will be doing as well as what we'll be learning.  We filled out index cards with our names and answered these two questions.  I think it's gonna be very interesting.

Our first assignment is to "render" an apple 5 times a week for the next 10 weeks using different styles/mediums each time and can't use the same tool twice.  I know it sounds pretty challenging,  but it's something to look forward to in the end.

At first, my impression of Concept Development was about the ideas involved.  I'm sure my impression will change over the course of the quarter and I will walk away with a better understanding of the class.


  1. Hi Dan :) I wonder if Jimmy will pass out those index cards at the end of the quarter to the class. We would have a good laugh but he already read them out loud :X I want to see your apple!

  2. You'll get the hang of things! And quite possible continue blogging beyond this class. That is, if you enjoy writing :)

    At first, my impression of Concept Development was about the ideas involved. I'm sure my impression will change over the course of the quarter and I will walk away with a better understanding of the class --> I CONCUR!
