Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Story-Telling + Film

Today we presented our 3 images that tell a story.  The first half of the class began with a discussion introducing the topic before we revealed our stories.  We talked about narratives, genres, and the definition of a story.  We spent some time talking about it as a class, then Jimmy asked for us to put our 3 images on our desks and everyone got a chance to speculate on what the story of each one was about.

There were some that were more obvious than others.  Some people had different explanations which were quite interesting.  The one that was the funniest was about a little boy and dog.  I won't tell exactly how they were connected, but let's just say it was very obvious what had happened.

For the last hour or so, we watched a film from TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Talks with Elizabeth Gilbert (author of 'Eat, Pray, Love') as the guest speaker.  She brought up a lot of interesting topics all within 19 minutes.  She talked about creativity, where it comes from, and the pressure artists have to perform.  I thought she was very energetic and told some of the stories like if they were from a book.  I guess you could tell she was a writer.  I liked her humor and found the overall film very informative and interesting.

After the film, the class got in circle and we talked about some of the points Elizabeth brought up.  Jimmy asked in one word how we would describe our reaction after watching it.  A lot of the words were along the lines of "motivated, inspired, and energized."  To end the class, we were assigned with the task to pick one image (non-editorial) and come up with 10 words or short phrases that change the way people perceive the image and each needs to shift the meaning.  I have all weekend to work on it so hopefully I can come up with something good.  For now I think I'll just browse around and see what I can find...


  1. I was kind of sad that nobody could tell what my three images are about :( I thought it was obvious but Jimmy didn't even know who Justin Bieber was!

    And I loved the video we saw in class today. At first I thought, "I wonder what she is going to talk about. Who is she anyway?" and I was surprised that she's the author of "Eat, Pray, Love!" I might pick up the book :P

  2. I, too, found Danny's images to be the most humorous and brilliant of them all. It was a good laugh for the day!

  3. I really liked that Elizabith Gilbert speech it was a very inspirational speech to find your inner genius.
